In an industry built upon free competition, it's easy to get caught up in the game - too often comparing ourselves to others, cutting corners, and becoming obsessed with perfection. The question remains: how do you differentiate yourself and achieve success in an increasingly competitive environment?
The fact of the matter is, cultivating integrity-based business practices will naturally generate desirable results, especially once one stops equating success simply with a monetary value. On an individual level, integrity is often preached but rarely found, as it encompasses so much more than just maintaining a set of principles. Integrity is the iron that sharpens the sword of character, a millennial's distinguishing factor in the modern workplace. At SPILT MILK, integrity is our top priority and we hope this is reflected in our interactions with customers, manufacturing partners, and the people we surround ourselves with. As our company expands and matures, we hope to grow alongside it and rise to meet the challenges that we will inevitably face.
Having integrity is more than just honesty. It's asking, "What else can I do?", in order to go the extra mile and creatively finish a task. It's doing the right thing without expecting recognition and speaking up for yourself and others in order to stand up for morality. It's staying true to yourself and being unafraid of hard work in the face of adversity. Therefore, by practicing integrity, one builds their character alongside an empire.
But take integrity out of the office, too. Let your commitment to it become what drives and defines you. Seek the high road and enjoy the journey. Don't settle for anything less. We all have the opportunity to become change agents; let's be the generation that redefines quality and sets a new expectation for success. We believe that if you better yourself, you will better your business and, in turn, better the world. At SPILT MILK, we believe in you.
By Kathy Lau, Content Creator at SPILT MILK