Pictured: Gloria Steinem, Malala Yousafazi, and Rosa Parks.
As the irreplaceable Oprah Winfrey once said, "Think like a queen. A queen is unafraid of failure. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness." Today, on International Women's Day, we honor those that have come before us, who have fought for equality and achieved greatness. We recognize their accomplishments, but most of all we recognize how they have overcome impossible odds to make their mark upon the world. We respect their causes and give thanks for their fight that has led the way for the current generations to enjoy the freedoms that would have been unimaginable even a hundred years ago.
At SPILT MILK we say, "Don't cry." That's not to diminish anyone's experiences or feelings; rather, it's to remind ourselves during difficult times to take a step back from the situation and persevere, just as women have been doing since the beginning. Gloria Steinem saw a gross discrepancy in the rights bestowed upon minorities and used her gift with words to give these groups a voice. Malala Yousafazi's country tried to silence her, but she continued to fight for women and children's education. Rosa Parks stood firm when everyone else told her to sit somewhere else.
Today we celebrate not only these women, but countless others as the fight for equality moves forward. We are surrounded by strong females who have lifted us up on their shoulders and sacrificed for us. Whether it's your mom, sister, daughter, friend, or mentor, take time today to thank someone in your life for all they've done and continue to do. In doing so, we come together as a world, better together and successful through peace, no matter what challenges comes our way. At SPILT MILK, we are advocates and allies, and we love our girls.
By Kathy Lau, Content Creator at SPILT MILK